Sewage Discharges Continue to Cause Problems

March 2024

High groundwater and sewage discharges continued to cause problems in Carolyne's ward during March. Groundwater in the Pang Valley, which runs through the ward, remained above 90 per cent saturation, so that when it rained it caused flash flooding.

Carolyne was interviewed by BBC Berkshire in Hampstead Norreys where sewage is discharging directly into the Pang, and she showed the Newbury Weekly News around East Ilsley where there is sewage on the roads and pavements. There was also a power cut on 30 March in East Ilsley which caused cellar pumps to fail. Thanks to Carolyne and other Pang Valley Flood Forum flood wardens liquid fuel generators were brought in to compensate.

Carolyne spoke at Full Council about the impact of Thames Water's failures on her ward, and called for the company to be nationalised and made accountable to MPs and councillors. West Berkshire Council continues to work on its Section 19 report into the winter flooding, and this report will eventually be tabled at Scrutiny Commission, which Carolyne chairs.



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